This splendid bar set, dating from the 1960’s, is a reminder of how nicely presented were the tools of promotion deployed by the many now long-departed, DCL secondary brands through their network of now largely defunct subsidiary companies, in this case James Munro & Son Limited of Leith, where it occupied palatial offices in Constitution Street.
The company’s origins are somewhat unusual in that James Munro & Son Limited was set up for trading purposes by the US company Cook and Bernheimer, at the time the biggest American distiller, who had acquired Dalwhinnie distillery in 1905. With the introduction of Prohibition in the United States, they disposed of their subsidiary and the distillery in 1919 to Sir James Calder, the man behind Macdonald Greenlees and the company’s sale to DCL in 1926. As part of the latter, James Munro was for a period the licensee of Knockdhu distillery.
The company sported a number of brands, often related to the Monarchy including King of the North, The King’s Choice and Queen’s Club, but also Albion, Munro’s Square Bottle (imported into the USA), and Peerage. However, it was King of Kings Rare Old De Luxe Scotch Whisky, which gave them some reasonable commercial recognition.
The water jug carries the imprint of Wade Regicor and the ashtray of Wade PDM, both well known in the production of such promotional items.
Condition: Excellent. No cracks, breaks, chips or repairs.
This product is located in Australia