Great Whiskies: 500 of the Best from Around the World

Great Whiskies: 500 of the Best from Around the World

$35 AUD
Charles Maclean, Editor-in-Chief
Dorling Kindersley Limited
For those who might find the full length “World Whisky” volume (see separate listing) a bit more than they can handle or would like a handy travelling version, this is the answer. The whiskies featured are drawn from “World Whisky” and are reviewed in alphabetical order with no breakdown by country or region. However, there is an excellent index arrangement whereby the whiskies are identified by both type and country of origin. The contributors, who are all recognised whisky authorities in their own right, have produced an amazing miscellany of whisky brands from around the world, all pulled together most competently by Charles Maclean, as Editor-in-Chief. And it comes at a great price!